1.   One of them, he said, is that the tribunal is charging Karadzic with command responsibility for war crimes.

2.   The Nuremberg tribunals did not charge any Nazi with rape, even though some witnesses testified about it.

3.   The tribunal further charged that Ntakirutimana then led search parties to hunt down and slaughter survivors of the attack.

4.   The war-crimes tribunal has charged both Karadzic and Mladic with genocide and crimes against humanity.

5.   The tribunal can charge only individuals with crimes, not states, institutions or organizations.

6.   The tribunal has charged Milosevic, the former Yugoslav president, with war crimes.

7.   The tribunal has charged that many of the Serbian atrocities reflected deliberate policies of the Bosnian Serb leadership, as opposed to being crimes by rogue individuals.

8.   Yet these actions do not satisfy Bosnian rape victims, still traumatized by their experiences and angry that the tribunal has not charged rape as genocide.

9.   A Bosnian Serb military tribunal on Saturday charged a Muslim soldier with war crimes for allegedly killing and raping Serb civilians.

10.   A Bosnian Croat on Thursday pleaded innocent to Yugoslav war crimes tribunal charges that he murdered, tortured and deported Muslims in southern Bosnia.

n. + charge >>共 817
critic 7.31%
police 6.98%
prosecutor 6.93%
company 3.76%
bank 3.27%
official 2.96%
group 2.91%
government 2.82%
authority 2.78%
indictment 2.11%
tribunal 0.55%
tribunal + v. >>共 348
be 9.61%
have 8.32%
say 5.58%
indict 4.29%
issue 3.88%
rule 2.27%
impose 1.65%
try 1.55%
charge 1.55%
hold 1.50%
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