1.   And other witnesses recanted their trial testimony against Chandler as well.

2.   According to trial testimony given by Kodikian, they spent most nights of the road trip staying up late, playing pool, and drinking.

3.   According to previous trial testimony, Zamora admitted to four people that she participated in the slaying of Jones, a Mansfield High School sophomore.

4.   Advances beginning of trial testimony, scheduled to begin Tuesday.

5.   According to trial testimony, he took the girl to a secluded area in western Wyandotte County and raped her.

6.   After his conviction, McDougal contradicted several important parts of his trial testimony, and his book says he lied in that testimony to protect the Clintons.

7.   After weeks of occasional sniping between two sets of lawyers, the judge in the Michael Irvin drug-possession started cracking down Wednesday as trial testimony approached.

8.   All the victims suffered multiple stab wounds, and some of the women had been raped, trial testimony showed.

9.   But explosives also were used at a training camp at a farm in Sudan owned by another bin Laden company, Themar al Mubaraka, according to trial testimony.

10.   But in his written trial testimony, released last Friday, Maritz denied ever saying any such thing.

n. + testimony >>共 101
court 17.71%
witness 16.46%
trial 13.06%
eyewitness 6.44%
defense 3.94%
police 3.40%
week 2.86%
deposition 2.68%
courtroom 2.50%
prosecution 2.33%
trial + n. >>共 441
judge 16.44%
date 14.72%
lawyer 13.02%
court 6.72%
period 3.45%
testimony 2.06%
basis 1.89%
attorney 1.67%
proceeding 1.05%
transcript 0.99%
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