1.   Too often a trial becomes a contest between the trial judge and the appellate court, and justice is forgotten.

2.   And suddenly the Simpson trial became grist for yet another cultural debate -- this time focusing on changing assumptions about careerism and child care.

3.   As the trial became much bigger than the sum of its testimony and more personal to its viewer-chorus, the same facts summoned different interpretations.

4.   At Bush-Cheney headquarters, the post-Election Day trials have become quite a tribulation.

5.   A decent person, she was appalled, as many of us are, at the ugly spectacle the Simpson trial has become.

6.   But their trial became a classic miscarriage of justice.

7.   Even before its opening this week, the McVeigh trial had become a feast of conspiracy and paranoia.

8.   Given that track record, televised trials are becoming show-biz auditions for lawyers.

9.   He let the trial become equally undisciplined.

10.   If they approve the broadcasts, the trial could become an O.J. Simpson-style media frenzy -- with a special twist because Berlusconi owns three national networks.

n. + become >>共 1789
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trial + v. >>共 459
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