1.   And when they finally buy, they opt for tried-and-true items, keeping a respectful distance from the really trendy items showcased in store displays.

2.   Business in the huge American market, where Adidas had established its three-striped brand as a trendy item a decade earlier, had all but dried up.

3.   But aside from a bit of barbecue sauce here and a crab cake there, tradition had lost out to trendy items like risotto, truffles and Parma ham.

4.   In fact, beware of all trendy items.

5.   Most of the goods manufactured locally are trendy items like synthetic fabrics and T-shirt artwork.

6.   The junior department is a gold mine for inexpensive trendy items, such as satin T-shirts or vinyl vests.

7.   Other trendy items included digital cameras, Internet phones and game controllers in a myriad designs and sizes.

a. + item >>共 1265
big-ticket 4.61%
personal 3.06%
essential 2.63%
household 2.40%
popular 1.72%
expensive 1.59%
hot 1.57%
new 1.54%
first 1.50%
small 1.45%
trendy 0.13%
trendy + n. >>共 336
restaurant 12.15%
shop 2.67%
cafe 2.37%
clothes 2.37%
bar 2.22%
boutique 1.78%
nightclub 1.48%
neighborhood 1.33%
thing 1.33%
fashion 1.19%
item 1.04%
每页显示:    共 7