1.   And they are doing it in an era that has seen dot-coms dropping from the Internet tree like rotten apples.

2.   But Gao Jinjiao was rocking back and forth, bumping against the tree like a penitent little boy.

3.   He had been so charmed that he almost fell out of the tree like a drunken bird.

4.   I was wearing my black dress and moved among the trees like a living shadow.

5.   It was as tall and cold as a glacier rolling down a valley, crunching trees like matchsticks.

6.   The cat ran up the tree like lightning.

7.   Wind and height forgotten, Pascoe swung down from the tree like a gymnast.

8.   Predator satiation, particularly of primates and some squirrels, which seem to eat almost anything, was notably associated with some trees like many Euphorbiaceae.

9.   The trees of the lower reaches are thus generalized in their attractions while trees like the dipterocarps get the local fauna and the bee Apis dorsata.

10.   Trees like this once covered most of the south of England.

n. + like >>共 1236
company 3.47%
people 2.77%
place 2.11%
country 1.89%
thing 1.83%
issue 1.58%
player 1.18%
look 1.13%
group 1.08%
city 1.05%
tree 0.08%
tree + p. >>共 87
in 24.17%
on 9.95%
with 9.28%
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to 5.38%
of 4.67%
at 4.03%
from 3.26%
by 2.62%
along 2.55%
like 1.82%
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