1.   Antibacterial treatments can take the form of baths, external application to affected areas, injection and oral administration via the food.

2.   These completely non-invasive techniques have the advantage of being carried out on an outpatient basis but the treatment may take up to two years.

3.   An outpatient procedure, Somnoplasty requires only a local anesthetic and a treatment takes about a half-hour.

4.   And when a new treatment takes over before its efficacy is established, at what point should price become an issue?

5.   As with many traditional Chinese medicines, treatment with arsenic takes longer and recovery is slower than with Western medicine.

6.   At first, Bothwell resisted chemotherapy, having watched the toll the treatment took on his mother while failing to cure her.

7.   --- People on anti-HIV treatments must take their drugs religiously to suppress the emergence of resistant strains, and also practice safe sex to avoiding infecting others.

8.   A complete treatment may take an hour or more.

9.   EMDR is taught in workshops around the country, and in some cases, practitioners say, treatment takes only a few sessions.

10.   Once the disease does set in, surgery and antibiotics may be needed to clear it up, and the treatment can take several months.

n. + take >>共 1201
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investor 1.22%
police 1.16%
process 1.02%
official 1.00%
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treatment + v. >>共 341
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work 4.39%
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