1.   The acute response to nicotine in these chronically treated rats was a significant decrease in gastric secretion.

2.   The treated rats also showed substantially greater dexterity in swimming and in flicking their tongues.

3.   In the treated rats, the hind legs supported body weight better and showed much better coordination.

4.   Ruda said the treated rats reacted to the heat about twice as fast as the control rats.

5.   The treated rats showed better recovery starting two weeks later and extending to the end of the experiment, eight weeks after the injury.

6.   The untreated rats all died within two hours while the treated rats survived the five-hour experiment without displaying any anthrax-related symptoms.

7.   Treated rats showed human HGF in their blood, indicating that the gene had settled down to work and ordered muscle cells to make the protein.

a. + rat >>共 236
dead 6.15%
plastic 5.33%
infected 4.10%
female 3.48%
male 2.66%
young 2.05%
giant 1.84%
large 1.84%
pregnant 1.84%
adult 1.64%
treated 1.64%
treated + n. >>共 118
water 13.47%
patient 7.49%
wood 6.29%
lumber 5.69%
sewage 4.49%
wastewater 3.29%
group 3.29%
area 2.99%
cell 2.40%
rat 2.40%
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