1.   Patients in the heater probe group were treated according to the endoscopic procedure.

2.   First, we must make it clear we expect those who lay down their arms to be treated according to the dictates of international law.

3.   Northern Alliance leaders have repeatedly pledged that their prisoners will be treated according to international law or passed over to the United Nations.

4.   Straw said each prisoner should be treated according to individual circumstances, but it was unclear who would adjudicate that.

5.   That means that they are being paid and treated according to the corresponding laws in the United States.

6.   And that they will be treated according to the law.

7.   Donor countries have demanded coup suspects be treated according to international humanitarian law and have expressed deep concern over the torture reports.

8.   Donors have demanded coup suspects, including detained former President Kenneth Kaunda, be treated according to international humanitarian law and have expressed deep concern over the torture.

9.   It urged the Israeli government to ensure that Palestinian detainees under interrogation are treated according to international humanitarian law.

10.   Most countries in the region deny holding political prisoners or say that they are treated according to the law.

v. + accord >>共 447
be 6.79%
act 2.77%
calculate 2.64%
make 2.50%
pay 2.31%
say 2.11%
classify 1.91%
do 1.85%
vote 1.71%
rank 1.65%
treat 1.05%
treat + v. >>共 96
accord 8.38%
be 5.76%
make 5.24%
use 5.24%
prevent 3.66%
remove 3.66%
say 2.62%
suffer 2.62%
wound 2.62%
depend 2.09%
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