1.   Additionally, drivers with the OnStar system can call for routing, travel directions, and services from hotels to restaurants.

2.   Instead of only a help box, it has on-screen guides that take you through each step to customize the maps or create a simple set of travel directions.

3.   Navigation Technologies and its rivals are looking to package restaurant menus with travel directions on a CD-ROM or DVD disk.

4.   The idea of providing travel directions and information is not new.

5.   Ultimately you get addresses and phone numbers, travel directions and a map.

n. + direction >>共 159
package 24.96%
wind 12.32%
art 8.21%
market 4.74%
policy 4.74%
change 2.84%
time 2.37%
career 2.05%
price 1.26%
year 0.95%
travel 0.79%
travel + n. >>共 658
document 7.26%
restriction 5.89%
ban 5.19%
plan 5.09%
time 2.98%
industry 2.77%
company 2.46%
expense 2.40%
arrangement 1.81%
warning 1.67%
direction 0.09%
每页显示:    共 5