1.   America Online, CompuServe, Prodigy and the Microsoft Network have features where you can post messages asking others for travel advice.

2.   And savvy sites are responding with travel advice geared toward Generations X, Y and Z.

3.   At the Tropicool, a hotel and bar run by British expatriate Andrew Wollacott and his Belizean wife, Doris May, we got travel advice with our beer.

4.   Bargains and travel advice.

5.   Grimes originated and wrote the Practical Traveler column, a weekly collection of travel advice.

6.   Numerous links help you with all manner of destination research, packing, bargain hunting, hotel searching and even travel advice from other families.

7.   Other publications available from the same sources provide travel advice for older Americans and tips for visiting specific countries or regions.

8.   Several other publications focus on general travel advice.

9.   This well-designed site is an ingenious idea that allows you to select a location via clickable maps, then get travel advice from people who live in the area.

10.   We spent a few weeks cruising the four major online networks looking for travel advice.

n. + advice >>共 191
investment 17.10%
career 5.18%
tax 4.32%
offer 3.63%
travel 3.45%
business 3.45%
policy 3.28%
merger 2.76%
health 2.59%
management 2.42%
travel + n. >>共 658
document 7.26%
restriction 5.89%
ban 5.19%
plan 5.09%
time 2.98%
industry 2.77%
company 2.46%
expense 2.40%
arrangement 1.81%
warning 1.67%
advice 0.35%
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