1.   A spokesman for Friends of the Earth said this tampering with our food just to make it cheaper will have a traumatic effect on the chickens.

2.   Researchers have found that after writing about traumatic effects in their lives, some patients in their study found their condition improved .

3.   The company Friday sent out a memo offering in-house counseling services and acknowledging the traumatic effect the murder was having on the workforce.

4.   The injury, which is relatively common in elderly people and often has a traumatic effect on them, seemed to slow the pontiff down.

5.   The injury, relatively common in elderly people and which often has a traumatic effect on them, seemed to slow the pontiff down.

a. + effect >>共 805
long-term 3.00%
negative 2.93%
immediate 2.88%
adverse 2.65%
positive 2.46%
same 2.34%
ill 2.11%
overall 1.57%
opposite 1.49%
possible 1.49%
traumatic 0.04%
traumatic + n. >>共 108
experience 17.00%
event 15.23%
memory 6.40%
stress 6.40%
brain 3.53%
injury 3.31%
post 3.09%
year 1.77%
incident 1.55%
childhood 1.55%
effect 1.10%
每页显示:    共 5