1.   This remarkable level of interest is driven by a general belief that the potential market for HDTV production equipment, transmission facilities and TV receivers is huge.

2.   And it only allows fixed-line license holders to build their own transmission facilities, such as fiber optic cables.

3.   After its shutdown of television transmission facilities Monday, Serbian authorities further tightened control of the media Thursday by expelling reporters.

4.   It might also be allowed to repair its oil pumping and transmission facilities.

5.   It frees correspondents from being tethered to uplink trucks or state-operated transmission facilities.

6.   Repairs were under way on the building, which was hit last week and houses television studios and transmission facilities as well as political offices.

7.   The president quite rightly points out the logistical problem we face in terms of not enough pipelines and insufficient electricity transmission facilities.

8.   Participants discussed a plan to allow private sector participation in Arabsat services, which include extending communication and satellite transmission facilities to most Arab states.

9.   After his arrival in Denver, Clinton headed for a high-tech television transmission facility to give a speech on the challenges and promises of the global economy.

10.   An organization of European national broadcasters which had used those transmission facilities expressed concern about the attack.

n. + facility >>共 907
storage 5.39%
production 5.25%
research 3.19%
sport 3.09%
practice 2.92%
detention 2.83%
treatment 2.71%
credit 2.16%
health 1.82%
government 1.50%
transmission 0.61%
transmission + n. >>共 190
line 24.78%
system 7.64%
tower 6.39%
equipment 4.09%
network 3.02%
service 2.93%
facility 2.84%
rate 2.31%
capacity 2.22%
problem 1.95%
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