1.   His aides complain that the city will not get any of the transit fees or taxes from the pipeline, regardless of where the terminal is.

2.   Iran would receive some revenue from transit fees for allowing the pipeline to cross its territory.

3.   Knowles decried any thought of Canada resuming the transit fee.

4.   Maryland last month dropped all bridge tolls and transit fees for a weekend to get people traveling again.

5.   Shevardnadze, who had postponed signing the pipeline agreement, responded to the letter by reopening negotiations on the transit fees.

6.   The agreement comes after protracted talks, held up by disagreement over the amount of transit fees Kazakhstan must pay Iran.

7.   The AIOC says it is between Russia and Chechnya to work out an agreement on transit fees.

8.   The sanctions cost Turkey billions of dollars in transit fees it charged Iraq for shipping oil through Turkey.

9.   The Russians want the pipeline to go through their territory so they will earn the transit fees and be able to exert continued leverage over their former republics.

10.   The Turks want it to come out their way, so they will earn the transit fees and be able to draw central Asia into their orbit.

n. + fee >>共 630
transfer 4.67%
management 4.35%
user 3.15%
license 3.08%
subscription 3.06%
service 2.52%
entrance 2.52%
membership 2.35%
tuition 2.30%
admission 2.27%
transit 0.66%
transit + n. >>共 261
point 16.51%
official 9.59%
system 7.86%
route 5.90%
camp 4.26%
worker 4.08%
authority 2.75%
time 2.66%
visa 2.44%
agency 2.35%
fee 1.20%
每页显示:    共 27