1.   After second rise, transfer dough to a lightly floured work surface and deflate by gently patting dough out with the palms of the hand.

2.   Gently transfer dough to a lightly floured work surface, and press in any loose chocolate and cherries.

3.   Grease another bowl and transfer dough to that bowl.

4.   Lightly oil a large bowl and transfer dough to the bowl, rolling to coat with oil.

5.   She rolled out the chapati dough, cut it into diamonds, transferred the dough to the pot and let the whole dish simmer gently.

6.   Then transfer the dough to your work surface and begin kneading procedure as directed above.

7.   Transfer dough to lightly greased large bowl and rotate to coat all sides.

8.   Transfer the dough to a large greased bowl, turning it to grease it on all sides.

9.   Transfer the dough to a well-floured work surface.

10.   Transfer dough to a baking sheet and refrigerate for one hour.

v. + dough >>共 184
turn 6.81%
roll 6.24%
knead 5.90%
place 4.77%
divide 3.86%
make 3.75%
remove 3.41%
shape 3.18%
press 3.06%
cut 2.27%
transfer 2.27%
transfer + n. >>共 983
money 5.68%
power 4.21%
fund 2.81%
case 2.35%
technology 1.98%
datum 1.60%
mixture 1.58%
asset 1.54%
information 1.36%
file 1.27%
dough 0.44%
每页显示:    共 20