1.   After tranquilizer darts failed to stop the dog, Preston stopped the dog by firing two shots.

2.   But the only gun Dial can carry pops out tranquilizer darts.

3.   Eventually state wildlife authorities used tranquilizer darts to subdue the animal, fit it with a radio tracking device and ship it into the mountains in an air-conditioned truck.

4.   In addition to the standard shotgun, crossbow and sniper rifle, you get tranquilizer darts.

5.   Some bears may also be shot with tranquilizer darts from helicopters.

6.   The beguiling meanderings of the black bear who adopted Lunenberg, Mass. as home ended Thursday with shotguns and tranquilizer darts in nearby Fitchburg.

7.   The coyote charged in and out of view, as the police repeatedly fired tranquilizer darts that fell well behind the speedy animal.

8.   The police went after him with some tranquilizer darts and a net.

9.   The workers attempted to restrain her by shooting her with tranquilizer darts but were unable to stop her, she said.

10.   Then, just as the bear appeared ready to leave, the tranquilizer darts arrived with a police escort.

n. + darts >>共 24
tranquilizer 45.10%
blow 3.92%
fire 3.92%
paper 3.92%
shad 3.92%
steel 3.92%
atlatl 1.96%
bird 1.96%
brass 1.96%
camera 1.96%
tranquilizer + n. >>共 5
gun 41.67%
darts 38.33%
dart 15.00%
diazepam 3.33%
prescrip 1.67%
每页显示:    共 23