1.   Emphasis will be given to media training schemes and also to considering the establishment of a public broadcasting system.

2.   The company runs an apprentice training scheme.

3.   The money will be used for teacher training schemes.

4.   The workshop is aimed at youth leaders who can develop media awareness training schemes in parishes and communities in their respective countries.

5.   ...an elaborate management training scheme for graduates.

6.   In the Community Service section Martin helped to set up and run a bronze award training scheme at the Bradford centre.

7.   We have s training schemes with support money from the Government.

8.   Joe is being sponsored by a Government training scheme in Swindon.

9.   The Apprentice training scheme at Halton has produced over thirty five thousand graduates.

v. + scheme >>共 405
approve 2.90%
devise 2.83%
introduce 2.10%
implement 2.10%
launch 2.10%
have 2.03%
run 1.96%
set_up 1.89%
use 1.74%
train 1.60%
train + n. >>共 744
camp 15.34%
worker 2.51%
troop 2.27%
teacher 2.15%
pilot 2.15%
militant 2.15%
game 2.01%
soldier 1.96%
people 1.82%
staff 1.82%
scheme 0.52%
每页显示:    共 22