1.   What is not so obvious is the converse of this, ie a reduction in road space can be used to reduce traffic speed and volume.

2.   Here someone is changing a wheel on the hard shoulder as traffic speeds by.

3.   Cycling officers were asked what measures they used to reduce traffic speed and if they had a cycling programme.

4.   Also, wide disparities in traffic speeds mean that drivers may have to swerve or change lanes while moving very fast.

5.   But now your engine sputters like a Harley idling at the curb, even at normal traffic speeds.

6.   City officials say crosstown traffic speeds are improving, but Monday afternoon the traffic flow could still be measured in snail time.

7.   He has also created a database summarizing the past two years of traffic speeds.

8.   If each car represents a computer instruction, EPIC fills the lanes as closely as possible to bumper to bumper without any slowing in traffic speeds.

9.   If traffic speed is a problem, the city first will try signs, including stop signs at intersections.

n. + speed >>共 288
wind 11.86%
warp 6.65%
bat 4.40%
team 4.31%
highway 4.31%
boat 3.41%
clock 2.96%
hand 2.52%
connection 2.43%
shutter 2.16%
traffic 1.17%
traffic + n. >>共 532
jam 14.81%
controller 9.63%
accident 7.92%
congestion 5.03%
control 3.03%
system 2.94%
police 2.77%
violation 2.43%
stop 2.42%
problem 2.28%
speed 0.17%
每页显示:    共 13