1.   Symington and Beltrones say they have built their friendship by working together to build trade partnerships and create jobs for their citizens.

2.   Union officials contend the trade partnership involving Mexico, the United States and Canada cost U.S. jobs and lowered wages.

3.   But Daley said the legislation was aimed at creating a trade partnership in which both sides benefit.

4.   Clinton and Mandela met Friday with a large agenda built around a burgeoning trade partnership they hope will send ripples of prosperity through other African economies.

5.   France has historically maintained good ties with Iraq and is anxious to restart its potentially lucrative trade partnership once sanctions are lifted.

6.   Mexico, an important oil producer, should benefit from petroleum exports and its NAFTA trade partnership with the United States and Canada, Stanley said.

7.   The issue of East Timor independence is a sensitive one for South Africa, which wants to create a strong trade partnership with Indonesia.

8.   The two leaders noted a burgeoning trade partnership they hope will spread prosperity to other African economies.

9.   Wolfensohn said African leaders were seeking marked access, a level playing field for products and goods and a trade partnership that is more than just in name.

10.   For the European countries, such a trade partnership will prise open Arab markets previously closed to their products.

n. + partnership >>共 210
public-private 12.24%
business 11.62%
investment 7.54%
private-public 2.67%
coalition 2.35%
double 1.88%
distribution 1.73%
development 1.73%
trade 1.57%
government 1.57%
trade + n. >>共 459
agreement 5.05%
deficit 4.96%
sanction 3.72%
talk 3.49%
group 3.39%
barrier 3.08%
official 2.48%
relation 2.39%
dispute 2.23%
surplus 2.13%
partnership 0.04%
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