1.   The Panel discourages approaches to suppliers, creditors, customers and trading partners of the target before the bid is announced.

2.   America also has a clear interest in maintaining strong economic ties with both Taiwan and China, respectively its seventh- and fourth-largest trading partners.

3.   At worst, it can authorize trading partners to impose modest economic sanctions.

4.   Brazil is the top Latin American trading partner, followed by Panama, Chile and Mexico.

5.   But North Korea suffered grievously from the loss of its Soviet and East European trading partners.

6.   By imposing sanctions now, even at the risk of a backlash among U.S. trading partners, President Bill Clinton is addressing domestic political concerns about the deficit.

7.   Despite the downgrade, Singer and Dietert say Enron is far from slipping into serious trouble with its energy trading partners.

8.   Even so, lawmakers are wary of meting out harsh economic sanctions against a major U.S. neighbor and trading partner.

9.   Ideally, both major trading partners would then buy more U.S. goods and help even out global trade.

10.   Labor unions want U.S. trading partners to pay the same prevailing wages and adhere to the same labor and environmental standards as American companies do.

v. + partner >>共 418
find 11.89%
seek 11.56%
have 5.94%
manage 3.67%
trade 3.06%
need 2.44%
play 2.39%
include 1.67%
make 1.50%
choose 1.28%
trade + n. >>共 1094
stock 5.16%
share 4.54%
fire 3.32%
accusation 2.21%
company 1.64%
player 1.39%
place 1.28%
volume 1.16%
pick 1.11%
right 1.07%
partner 1.05%
每页显示:    共 55