1.   Would I trade having had to take that train?

2.   Much of the gain came from speculative trading that had a disproportionately large impact due to low volumes, said Kiyoshi Kimura, strategist at Societe Generale.

3.   But some diplomats here were cautious about the prospects for a compromise, noting that Japanese trade officials had hardened their stance in recent months.

4.   Some diplomats here were cautious about prospects for a compromise, noting that Japanese trade officials had hardened their stance in recent months.

v. + have >>共 706
be 6.94%
have 5.18%
say 4.47%
work 1.96%
fight 1.96%
do 1.96%
figure 1.92%
lobby 1.71%
use 1.59%
sue 1.59%
trade 0.17%
trade + v. >>共 108
mix 49.87%
be 3.73%
change 2.93%
get 1.87%
follow 1.87%
use 1.60%
begin 1.33%
resume 1.33%
say 1.33%
include 1.07%
have 1.07%
每页显示:    共 4