1.   As track careers go, Lewis arrived early and stayed late, like an unwanted house guest.

2.   Flowers is expected to resume his track career at UT.

3.   Fletcher is also continuing his track career.

4.   Funny, that is exactly how Taplin portrayed her track career last season.

5.   He had been considering a track career before signing yesterday.

6.   He left for Italy Friday to begin his pro track career on the European circuit that will take him through Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, France and England.

7.   Her track career, however, was nearly undermined, perhaps forever, during her senior year.

8.   His track career had innocent roots in junior high school.

9.   His track career began as a high school pole-vaulter, but he soon turned to running.

10.   His track career ended with a back injury, which he feels sometimes while in the pool.

n. + career >>共 374
college 11.80%
football 8.06%
baseball 6.02%
film 4.90%
basketball 3.95%
movie 3.57%
business 3.28%
music 2.49%
tennis 2.20%
eight-year 1.74%
track 0.96%
track + n. >>共 469
official 7.22%
star 6.73%
team 5.26%
coach 4.40%
suit 3.53%
athlete 2.71%
federation 2.66%
owner 2.50%
worker 2.01%
surface 1.90%
career 1.25%
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