1.   Anthony is still breathing with the help of a tracheotomy tube in his throat, and nearly two-thirds of his tongue was removed.

2.   A modern tracheotomy tube came from the private reserve of the head of intensive care, for example.

3.   A ventilator the size of a small refrigerator was connected to his tracheotomy tube, whooshing every time it delivered a breath.

4.   He has been talking, although with some difficulty because he still has a tracheotomy tube.

5.   He is breathing through a tracheotomy tube, with occasional help from a respirator.

6.   His tracheotomy tube is still in, and he can only talk at certain times.

7.   Morrison, a patient at Coler-Goldwater Memorial Hospital, was lying in his bed, breathing through a tracheotomy tube in his throat.

8.   Palmdale school officials are also preparing to assist eight disabled pupils who require medical machinery to suction out tracheotomy tubes or to help with breathing.

9.   She had a stomach tube for feeding and a tracheotomy tube for breathing.

10.   Some received oxygen through a tracheotomy tube, others through tubes into their noses.

n. + tube >>共 201
steel 4.09%
float 3.70%
toothpaste 3.12%
rubber 2.92%
nasogastric 2.73%
tracheotomy 2.73%
dip 2.73%
oxygen 2.53%
mesh 2.14%
display 1.95%
tracheotomy + n. >>共 7
tube 50.00%
hole 17.86%
operation 17.86%
cut 3.57%
doctor 3.57%
dressing 3.57%
scar 3.57%
每页显示:    共 14