1.   And toy factories with pitifully inadequate fire precautions stay open.

2.   Randolph, smiling from ear to ear, quickly dressed into warm clothes and set out towards the toy factory.

3.   He moved lock, stock and aqueduct to a warehouse near his toy factory in Laurel, Md..

4.   In North Carolina, they work in tobacco and sweet potato fields and in toy factories.

5.   Later in the show, after Riordan left the studio en route to an explosion at a downtown toy factory, Leno did some more L.A.-centric humor.

6.   NAFTA has meant Mexican toy factories can undercut his wages and beat him at his own game.

7.   Upstate, in the land of abandoned carpet mills and toy factories, politics matters.

8.   With the re-release of the films and the new ones scheduled, new Star Wars products are rolling off assembly lines in toy factories nationwide.

9.   Work in a toy factory is an escape from a life of stooping in the rice paddy or lugging buckets of manure.

n. + factory >>共 672
garment 4.29%
bomb 4.04%
textile 3.78%
car 3.28%
weapon 2.38%
cement 2.31%
auto 2.16%
shoe 1.95%
cigarette 1.69%
arm 1.48%
toy 0.54%
toy + n. >>共 396
store 10.99%
company 6.37%
gun 6.25%
maker 5.18%
car 3.49%
industry 3.10%
soldier 2.65%
manufacturer 2.54%
shop 2.25%
retailer 1.80%
factory 0.85%
每页显示:    共 15