1.   She touted reforms in Sacramento such as extending tax credits for research.

2.   But it does reflect the dilemma between touting high-minded reforms and operating in an entertainment-oriented athletics environment.

3.   Clinton has touted welfare reform as a major achievement of his administration, and he was quick to commend corporations Tuesday for hiring so many welfare recipients.

4.   Such objections leave proponents of the flat-rate income tax touting their reform as preferable because of its simplicity.

5.   Others touted legal reform as a prerequisite.

6.   Bush came through the door touting education reform, religious-based initiatives and tax cuts, all linchpins in his campaign.

7.   In a speech to the Economic Club of Detroit, he touted education reform, a biennial budget, tax reform and steps to reduce frivolous lawsuits.

8.   Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek has touted the reform as a way of giving citizens better local control over public finances and government decisions.

v. + reform >>共 551
implement 6.10%
introduce 3.08%
need 3.00%
support 2.75%
demand 2.49%
enact 2.48%
make 2.12%
promise 1.91%
carry 1.87%
discuss 1.85%
tout 0.16%
tout + n. >>共 418
plan 4.15%
benefit 3.14%
stock 2.58%
record 2.47%
product 1.91%
virtue 1.80%
ability 1.46%
accomplishment 1.35%
fact 1.35%
proposal 1.12%
reform 0.90%
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