1.   Democrats tout that fact as evidence that Republicans and conservatives are in an unholy alliance with the drug industry.

2.   For example, American is touting the fact that it plans to install power plugs for laptop computers in both first class and coach in many planes.

3.   Indeed, their support is so broad and deep that President Clinton already has aired television ads in key reelection states touting the fact that he signed the measure.

4.   Of course, most hotels that have been awarded four or five Mobil stars or AAA diamonds still tout that fact in advertising and brochures.

5.   Southwestern Bell is touting the fact the DSL subscribers can choose their own Internet service provider.

6.   The Giants touted the fact that Fassel was an offensive innovator.

7.   True, Bush touts the fact that some of his proposed tax cuts would go to low- and moderate-income working families.

8.   Warner has been publicly touting the fact that he hopes to succeed Thurmond as chairman sometime in the next six years.

9.   When it decided to tout that fact on its products two years ago, it must have seemed like reasonable merchandizing.

10.   The Taliban also touted the fact that their supreme leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar, had so far escaped too, despite his home being repeatedly targeted.

v. + fact >>共 528
ignore 3.93%
reflect 3.79%
accept 3.61%
like 3.27%
hide 3.06%
face 2.45%
know 2.13%
overlook 1.53%
appreciate 1.48%
obscure 1.42%
tout 0.32%
tout + n. >>共 418
plan 4.15%
benefit 3.14%
stock 2.58%
record 2.47%
product 1.91%
virtue 1.80%
ability 1.46%
accomplishment 1.35%
fact 1.35%
proposal 1.12%
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