1.   Which features May tourists find attractive?

2.   What the tourist will also find is that among the Arab nations, there are none more genial than the Omanis.

3.   At some point in a visit to Sydney, most tourists will find themselves at Darling Harbour.

4.   Despite being counted early and given written permission to travel around the city, the tourists found few places to go.

5.   Even on a cold, rainy spring day, the tourists find their way to the beach that made this resort so famous.

6.   Hotel businesses will also benefit from the devaluation as tourists find Thailand a cheaper place for a vacation.

7.   In addition, many American tourists overseas find their vacations less expensive.

8.   In July, a tourist found dead and dying frogs on an island in the middle of Lake Nicaragua, but none of the animals were preserved for autopsy.

9.   Monday at the Holy Sepulchre, however, disappointed tourists found the massive doors closed and locked.

10.   Not in the way tourists find the desert magical, but in a way that only people who have been here for a long time can appreciate.

n. + find >>共 805
police 6.05%
study 5.40%
researcher 3.19%
investigator 2.76%
people 2.26%
survey 2.07%
company 2.07%
court 1.90%
jury 1.63%
report 1.57%
tourist 0.10%
tourist + v. >>共 563
be 14.65%
come 4.25%
visit 3.70%
have 2.35%
die 2.07%
flock 1.97%
arrive 1.77%
take 1.63%
stay 1.43%
go 1.43%
find 1.05%
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