1.   I admire the way you handled such a touchy situation..

2.   Cohen recently got a jubilant e-mail from a friend who had successfully played his way out of a touchy situation.

3.   How the mountain handles such touchy situations means having to defuse a public relations land mine.

4.   In trying to take the edge off an obviously touchy situation, McCurry said Monday that FBI Director Louis Freeh was not in jeapordy of losing his job.

5.   Several of the wounded asked how their co-workers and friends were, creating a touchy situation for paramedics who knew many were dead.

6.   Stocks did react to the touchy Iraq situation at the beginning of the day but only in areas related to oil.

7.   That left authorities with a touchy situation.

8.   That put Pullman into a touchy situation.

9.   The book explains how to handle touchy situations, such as criticizing your boss or dealing with co-workers who are constantly negative.

10.   The counselors occasionally find themselves in the touchy situation of talking with an employee who wants to leave Sun.

a. + situation >>共 632
economic 6.33%
current 5.75%
political 4.55%
sexual 3.56%
similar 3.51%
difficult 2.39%
same 2.01%
financial 1.93%
emergency 1.73%
such 1.61%
touchy 0.14%
touchy + n. >>共 67
issue 31.47%
subject 24.80%
one 4.53%
situation 4.53%
topic 4.27%
question 3.73%
matter 2.13%
problem 1.87%
time 1.87%
area 1.33%
每页显示:    共 17