1.   A total unknown.

2.   Ms. Rodrigues was not a total unknown.

3.   She is not a total unknown, though.

4.   In the other were two total unknowns.

a. + unknown >>共 97
relative 18.78%
virtual 18.31%
great 8.22%
big 7.98%
political 6.57%
still 3.29%
biggest 3.05%
the 2.58%
complete 2.58%
young 1.88%
total 0.94%
total + n. >>共 1526
number 6.81%
ban 3.53%
control 3.00%
cost 2.98%
amount 2.81%
withdrawal 1.85%
value 1.54%
return 1.34%
loss 1.21%
stranger 1.17%
unknown 0.05%
每页显示:    共 4