1.   Others are sponsored by ambitious federal agencies, sometimes with total disregard for the recommendations of other arms of government.

2.   Whoever planted the bomb showed a total disregard for the safety of the public.

3.   The solos are short, packed with a powerful energy as if in defiance of his life-threatened status, or to demonstrate a total disregard towards it.

4.   As ever, he talked to the Hartford Yahoos with total disregard for the loyal fan base back in Foxborough.

5.   Augstburger cited the still unsolved murders of six ICRC staff in Chechnya last December as another example of the total disregard for humanitarian principles in current conflicts.

6.   Does anyone truly believe that more laws are the answer to preventing this inexplicable blackening of a heart and total disregard for rules of conduct in a civilized society?

7.   For a man apparently exhibiting a total disregard for the past, old Henry sure did a lot to preserve it.

8.   The one thing they all have in common is a total disregard for the law.

9.   You recoil about the horrors that man inflicts on man, the hatred-fed violence and total disregard for the value of human life.

10.   But the signs continue to point to a total disregard for forests as water catchments.

a. + disregard >>共 83
reckless 14.49%
total 6.28%
blatant 5.80%
complete 5.31%
callous 5.31%
rampant 2.90%
widespread 2.90%
cavalier 2.42%
apparent 2.42%
blithe 2.42%
total + n. >>共 1526
number 6.81%
ban 3.53%
control 3.00%
cost 2.98%
amount 2.81%
withdrawal 1.85%
value 1.54%
return 1.34%
loss 1.21%
stranger 1.17%
disregard 0.15%
每页显示:    共 13