1.   The organization also strips licenses from doctors who participate in torturing detainees.

2.   Arafat also accused Hamas of distributing leaflets on Tuesday accusing the Palestinian Authority of torturing Hamas detainees and calling on Palestinian security forces to disobey orders.

3.   Human rights organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have accused Bahraini security officials of torturing detainees as part of a crackdown on political unrest.

4.   Human rights groups have repeatedly charged that Russian forces are committing widespread violations in the breakaway republic, including torturing detainees and summarily executing civilians.

5.   Human rights organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have accused Bahraini security officials of torturing detainees.

6.   Many of the slain policemen were involved in arresting and interrogating political activists, and some were accused of torturing detainees.

7.   The report accused the Egyptian security forces of torturing political detainees and detailed some disappearances of dissidents.

8.   Troops sent to Kashmir to quell a militant Muslim uprising are often accused of torturing detainees and of other human rights abuses.

9.   Human rights groups regularly accuse Shin Beth of torturing detainees.

10.   Last month the Israeli human rights group Betselem accused the preventive security force of torturing detainees.

a. + detainee >>共 176
political 18.87%
the 11.35%
palestinian 8.23%
former 4.68%
new 1.99%
female 1.99%
other 1.99%
cuban 1.70%
remaining 1.56%
torturing 1.42%
torturing + n. >>共 39
prisoner 15.96%
suspect 11.70%
detainee 10.64%
inmate 6.38%
people 4.26%
child 4.26%
dissident 3.19%
member 3.19%
activist 2.13%
teacher 2.13%
每页显示:    共 10