1.   Also patron of shepherdesses and torture victims.

2.   At the level of flesh and blood, every torture victim is equal, a human being in agony.

3.   A symbol of both the best and worst in humanity, the treatment of torture victims has become a growth industry.

4.   Abner Louima, torture victim, was back.

5.   But the demand for help is beginning to overrun the supply of medical staff prepared to treat torture victims.

6.   For all the change, a lot of torture victims say they feel no better.

7.   Foreign financing for private and public agencies that help torture victims has dried up, in part because the government has refused to pitch in matching funds.

8.   Genesius also includes comics, dancers, stenographers and torture victims in his patronage.

9.   Grassian said prolonged solitary confinement can result in psychological damage akin to that suffered by prisoners of war, torture victims, and lost Arctic explorers.

10.   He also estimates that as many as a third of those who seek political asylum in the United States each year are torture victims.

n. + victim >>共 447
flood 7.45%
rape 6.87%
murder 5.64%
crime 5.59%
crash 4.50%
kidnap 3.99%
quake 3.51%
war 3.33%
accident 3.27%
earthquake 2.48%
torture 1.49%
torture + n. >>共 64
victim 14.58%
chamber 14.32%
charge 7.55%
allegation 7.03%
mark 6.51%
center 5.47%
session 5.47%
case 4.17%
device 3.13%
cell 2.34%
每页显示:    共 56