1.   The list of possible first-degree murder offenses now includes torture killing, killing a police officer and mass murder.

2.   The law does not apply to all slayings, only those considered the most heinous, like killing a police officer or a torture killing.

3.   Former Morelos Judicial Police Chief Jesus Miyazawa admitted knowing about the torture killing of a prisoner by his officers.

4.   In written testimony submitted Monday, former Morelos Judicial Police Chief Jesus Miyazawa admitted knowing about the torture killing of a prisoner by his officers.

n. + killing >>共 202
contract 17.18%
revenge 11.11%
penalty 5.56%
reprisal 4.32%
police 4.01%
honor 3.60%
execution-style 2.67%
mob 2.16%
gangland-style 1.85%
school 1.85%
torture 0.41%
torture + n. >>共 64
victim 14.58%
chamber 14.32%
charge 7.55%
allegation 7.03%
mark 6.51%
center 5.47%
session 5.47%
case 4.17%
device 3.13%
cell 2.34%
killing 1.04%
每页显示:    共 4