1.   Bosnian Serb leaders insist that the camps were detention centers for members of the Muslim-led Bosnian army and deny that civilians were tortured and murdered in them.

2.   But the army retains a large measure of independence, and judges have been frustrated in efforts to try soldiers accused of murdering, kidnapping or torturing civilians.

3.   During the war, Japanese forces brutally colonized much of Asia, killing and torturing civilians, conducting medical experiments on prisoners, and forcing women into sexual slavery.

4.   Fleeing junta soldiers in February and last month went on a rampage through cities and towns, killing, looting and torturing civilians.

5.   Human rights groups say there have been numerous allegations that soldiers have tortured civilians and used them as human shields.

6.   International human rights groups have accused the Russian military of routinely killing, raping and torturing civilians during security sweeps in towns and villages.

7.   Military police detained and questioned six soldiers Monday after troops allegedly beat and tortured four civilians to death while in custody.

8.   Russian troops torture Chechen civilians.

v. + civilian >>共 335
kill 30.76%
wound 8.89%
target 5.25%
injure 5.14%
protect 3.59%
attack 3.18%
include 2.09%
shoot 1.43%
massacre 1.35%
harm 1.30%
torture 0.18%
torture + n. >>共 149
prisoner 13.27%
suspect 6.86%
detainee 4.35%
inmate 3.66%
victim 3.66%
activist 3.43%
people 3.20%
man 2.97%
opponent 2.75%
woman 2.06%
civilian 1.83%
每页显示:    共 8