1.   The rebels tried to topple the dictator.

2.   A popular revolt led in part by Ramos toppled dictator Ferdinand Marcos a decade ago.

3.   The two candidates sounded tough on ousting Iraqi President Saddam Hussein but ruled out sending U.S. troops to Yugoslavia to help topple dictator Slobodan Milosevic.

4.   Though the cases are different in many respects, both are based on overly optimistic expectations that entrenched dictators can be toppled by small acts of insurrection.

5.   Aid workers speculate that as compensation for helping topple dictator Mobutu Sese Seko, Kabila allowed Tutsis to attack Hutus both for revenge and to improve security.

6.   He toppled dictator Samuel Doe, but the war since then has degenerated into a seven-faction battle waged along tribal lines.

7.   Kabila is under siege, two years after toppling longtime dictator Mobutu Sese Seko with promises of reform and democracy.

8.   Notably absent from the itinerary is the Congo, where Laurent Kabila seized power last May and toppled longtime dictator Mobutu Sese Seko.

9.   Notably absent from the itinerary was Congo, where Laurent Kabila seized power last May and toppled longtime dictator Mobutu Sese Seko.

10.   Rwanda and Congolese Tutsi fighters, called Banyamulenge, backed Kabila last year on his way to toppling dictator Mobutu Sese Seko, but have since grown disaffected.

v. + dictator >>共 92
oust 17.29%
topple 9.35%
overthrow 7.48%
support 3.27%
depose 2.80%
include 2.80%
back 2.34%
praise 2.34%
take 1.87%
try 1.87%
topple + n. >>共 198
government 39.29%
regime 4.59%
doe 3.37%
tree 3.27%
president 2.35%
dictator 2.04%
wall 2.04%
leader 1.84%
line 1.53%
communism 1.33%
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