1.   Written in a straight-forward way, this guide is the ideal introduction to a highly topical subject.

2.   Although Darrow considered himself to be apolitical, occasionally he touched on more topical subjects.

3.   Cattelan frequently comes up with a simple idea -- sometimes based on a topical subject or sometimes based on a thought and then twists it into something original.

4.   Ligon has an eye for provocative, tough-nut topical subjects and is willing to let them stay complicated.

5.   This takes on such topical subjects as the African-American middle class and the culture of pickup basketball.

6.   They contend that rallies on topical subjects would have no meaning if subject to long court delays.

a. + subject >>共 938
sensitive 3.63%
same 2.70%
touchy 2.70%
favorite 2.53%
taboo 2.30%
human 1.86%
controversial 1.83%
new 1.72%
different 1.54%
particular 1.45%
topical 0.17%
topical + n. >>共 107
issue 10.14%
cream 4.15%
treatment 3.69%
anesthetic 3.23%
ointment 3.23%
steroid 3.23%
application 2.76%
humor 2.76%
reference 2.76%
subject 2.76%
每页显示:    共 6