1.   An array of new drugs and topical ointments are available that control acne by regulating hormones, bacteria, oil production or skin inflammation.

2.   Because the same nerves contribute to the pain associated with inflammation, capsaicin is used in topical ointments designed to reduce discomfort from arthritis and other inflammatory disorders.

3.   A topical ointment helped heal and anesthetize the tender inflamed sites.

4.   Corticosteroids or over-the-counter topical ointments, such as calamine lotion, can relieve itches caused by poison ivy or bug bites.

5.   In terms of lubrication, you can always apply a topical ointment.

6.   The Lasker Foundation honored him for developing the means of treating superficial cancers with a topical ointment containing potent anticancer chemicals.

7.   The agency warned of troubles with products including aerosols, topical ointments and tablets.

a. + ointment >>共 26
antibiotic 19.05%
topical 16.67%
anti-bacterial 4.76%
herbal 4.76%
magic 4.76%
anti-viral 2.38%
antibacterial 2.38%
antiseptic 2.38%
burning 2.38%
chinese 2.38%
topical + n. >>共 107
issue 10.14%
cream 4.15%
treatment 3.69%
anesthetic 3.23%
ointment 3.23%
steroid 3.23%
application 2.76%
humor 2.76%
reference 2.76%
subject 2.76%
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