1.   Always, the topic turns to children.

2.   And, soon enough, the topic turns to the dress code.

3.   As the topic turns to death, he weeps.

4.   For some unexplained reason, Sharman tends to slip through the cracks when the topic turns to great Celtics.

5.   It seemed natural that in the interview, the topic should turn to writing.

6.   Leading newspapers here are reporting every turn of phrase by Republicans when the topic turns to Mexico, NAFTA, the border, immigration or drug interdiction.

7.   Moments later, the topic turned to Los Angeles International Airport, a government entity which Cochran served as a commissioner.

8.   Nowhere in fashion is that sentiment more apparent than when the topic turns to hosiery.

9.   Rick Helling shrugs when the topic turns to his record.

10.   Spend enough time with the Douglases and the topic invariably turns to family.

n. + turn >>共 1351
thing 1.66%
people 1.66%
company 1.51%
investor 1.01%
government 0.95%
tide 0.94%
market 0.82%
man 0.80%
official 0.78%
weather 0.77%
topic 0.07%
topic + v. >>共 140
be 44.16%
include 19.38%
come 4.40%
range 4.00%
turn 1.50%
become 1.40%
remain 1.00%
have 1.00%
dominate 0.90%
seem 0.70%
每页显示:    共 15