1.   As the bidding for Barro shows, the market for top economists is starting to look like those for movie stars, basketball players and bond traders.

2.   A team of top Wall Street economists speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations Friday morning cited that policy as the most effective way to stimulate the economy.

3.   A top Communist economist in Russia wants to ban foreign imports.

4.   Clinton dispatched Justice Department anti-trust officials to Brussels earlier this month and directed his top international economist, Dan Tarullo, to work something out between the parties.

5.   Clinton made the final decision last night to ask Yellen to succeed Joseph Stiglitz as his top economist.

6.   Last week, Nikko hired U.K. economist Simon Briscoe from S.G. Warburg Group Plc to become its top U.K. economist.

7.   Microsoft then will begin its defense by calling another top economist from MIT to the stand.

8.   The market for top economists is starting to look like those for movie stars, basketball players and bond traders.

9.   W. Van Bussman, the top economist at Chrysler Corp., said a sustained rise in interest rates and gasoline prices would hurt the auto industry.

10.   A top economist at the International Monetary Fund even suggested the ECB was part of the problem instead of the solution.

a. + economist >>共 363
chief 26.79%
private 9.34%
senior 5.57%
independent 2.58%
western 2.46%
liberal 2.38%
prominent 1.84%
conservative 1.56%
former 1.52%
leading 1.27%
top 1.07%
top + n. >>共 669
official 9.23%
priority 4.25%
executive 3.54%
aide 2.72%
player 2.66%
team 2.46%
leader 2.35%
seed 2.13%
spot 2.09%
government 1.76%
economist 0.06%
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