1.   Plant tomato varieties resistant to nematodes.

2.   Brandywine, an Amish heirloom, has been widely hailed as the best-tasting tomato variety.

3.   Most paste tomato varieties, especially commercial ones, are determinate.

4.   One gardener believes that sweet-tasting tomato varieties develop that sweetness only when left on the vine a day or two longer.

5.   Some of them, like Shepherd, choose tomato varieties with meticulous care.

6.   Some tomato varieties are more susceptible, especially the longer, plum types, but none are completely resistant.

7.   There are thousands of heirloom tomato varieties, so you can experiment in your garden indefinitely until you find your favorites.

8.   Verrill Farm of Concord, Mass. is growing more than three dozen heirloom tomato varieties to sell at the farmstand this summer.

n. + variety >>共 328
plant 4.68%
heirloom 3.60%
rice 3.60%
biotech 2.52%
corn 2.52%
crop 2.34%
apple 2.16%
seed 1.80%
tomato 1.62%
hybrid 1.44%
tomato + n. >>共 215
sauce 23.77%
paste 10.58%
juice 5.67%
soup 4.52%
mixture 4.22%
plant 4.14%
puree 2.99%
slice 2.99%
grower 1.92%
salad 1.53%
variety 0.69%
每页显示:    共 9