1.   But most traders act simply as toll takers.

2.   With the rise of the bond Markets, the equity salesmen and traders had been reduced by comparison to small-time toll takers.

3.   Because of the stench, toll takers are now working only four hours but being paid for eight.

4.   He later worked as a toll taker on the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

5.   How dare the toll taker keep him waiting!

6.   Imagine yourself as a toll taker on the Garden State Parkway.

7.   In particularly congested stretches, drivers may find the system does little to cut commute times, toll takers say.

8.   Joe Turant, an area manager for the New Jersey Highway Authority, stood at a lectern before six new toll takers, suggesting what to do next.

9.   None of this, however, should sway a toll taker.

10.   Now, an electronic toll collection system being developed by the state threatens to begin making California bridge toll takers yet another symbol of bygone days.

n. + taker >>共 46
hostage 22.37%
census 19.47%
risk 12.37%
ticket 6.84%
poll 5.79%
test 5.00%
toll 4.21%
profit 2.89%
wicket 2.11%
drug 1.84%
toll + n. >>共 120
road 22.34%
booth 12.20%
rate 7.83%
plaza 7.83%
collector 3.59%
system 3.59%
charge 3.47%
increase 3.08%
collection 2.44%
taker 2.05%
每页显示:    共 16