1.   Hence, drivers on the Massachusetts Turnpike get coupons for discounts at Staples with their toll receipts.

2.   Movie audiences, medicine consumption and toll receipts all vary according to the sky.

3.   Stuck inside are bridge toll receipts to turn in for petty cash.

4.   Traditionally in Mexico, the federal government has collected such toll receipts and returned a portion to the states and cities.

n. + receipt >>共 139
depositary 20.19%
tax 19.78%
depository 13.64%
gate 10.10%
cash 2.46%
capital 1.50%
ticket 1.36%
credit-card 1.09%
oil 0.82%
paper 0.82%
toll 0.55%
toll + n. >>共 120
road 22.34%
booth 12.20%
rate 7.83%
plaza 7.83%
collector 3.59%
system 3.59%
charge 3.47%
increase 3.08%
collection 2.44%
taker 2.05%
receipt 0.51%
每页显示:    共 4