1.   The California Department of Transportation negotiated franchise agreements with four private consortia to build toll highways.

2.   -- If you travel in other states by car, stay off roads at night and try to stick to toll highways, which are expensive but considered safer.

3.   He gave as an example Metacorp Bhd., a construction company with four concessions to operate toll highways.

4.   But now, laws would be changed to allow toll highways all over the nation, Tytler said.

5.   Even with that increase, the Authority said the tolls on its roadway would still be among the lowest for toll highways in the Northeast.

6.   He likened it to motorists in fast cars taking a toll highway while older cars stick to the side roads.

7.   His agenda is crammed with meetings to find promised fixes to gripes ranging from a toll highway that has residents hopping mad to the hugely unpopular blended sales tax.

8.   Mexico ends major privatization program, buys toll highways.

9.   Running past it is a new toll highway to Reynosa, just south of McAllen, Texas.

10.   The blockade began Sunday night as a way to draw attention to rising fuel costs, toll highways and low wages.

n. + highway >>共 108
information 30.15%
two-lane 11.24%
four-lane 10.49%
north-south 4.68%
desert 3.75%
mountain 3.00%
six-lane 2.62%
toll 2.43%
airport 1.87%
seaside 1.69%
toll + n. >>共 120
road 22.34%
booth 12.20%
rate 7.83%
plaza 7.83%
collector 3.59%
system 3.59%
charge 3.47%
increase 3.08%
collection 2.44%
taker 2.05%
highway 1.67%
每页显示:    共 13