1.   Egypt controls the Halaib region militarily and administratively, although Sudan maintains a token police presence.

2.   Egypt has also begun setting up infrastructure projects such as roads in the region, which Cairo controls militarily and administratively although Sudan maintains a token police presence.

3.   The region, controlled militarily and administratively by Egypt but with a token Sudanese police presence, is a potential flashpoint whenever relations between the two nations are strained.

4.   It has military and administrative control of the region although Sudan maintains a token police presence.

a. + police >>共 634
palestinian 10.87%
local 6.95%
israeli 4.74%
serb 4.16%
state 3.93%
national 2.07%
armed 2.00%
serbian 1.84%
federal 1.70%
french 1.67%
token 0.01%
token + n. >>共 219
opposition 10.18%
booth 7.82%
gesture 5.09%
clerk 3.09%
presence 2.73%
resistance 2.55%
effort 2.18%
amount 2.18%
sum 2.18%
appearance 2.00%
police 0.73%
每页显示:    共 4