1.   The first cats of this type were what we today call striped or mackerel tabby, covered with thin, dark lines.

2.   The impeachers thrived because editorial and emotional opinion in the nation was proimpeachment, but most scholars today call the major impeachment article against Johnson unconstitutional.

3.   Another option the panel may consider today calls for a system of rotating regional primaries.

4.   But the final declaration being adopted today calls only vaguely for expanding the Security Council and strengthening the Economic and Social Council.

5.   Military lawyers today call such orders patently illegal.

6.   THE current economic and technology trends experienced by the nation today call for a change in the education system especially in the area of education delivery modes.

7.   The forecast for today calls for mostly sunny skies with isolated to widely scattered showers.

n. + call >>共 860
wake-up 7.93%
strike 5.95%
distress 4.34%
plan 2.88%
margin 2.56%
line 2.56%
port 2.35%
opposition 2.12%
radio 1.82%
agreement 1.78%
today 0.16%
today + n. >>共 289
meeting 2.95%
report 2.95%
picture 2.73%
show 2.50%
call 1.59%
decision 1.36%
police 1.36%
look 1.14%
comment 1.14%
people 1.14%
每页显示:    共 7