1.   Anti-smoking activists are especially displeased that tobacco money will be playing a major part in the conventions.

2.   An anti-smoking crusade aimed at educating teens about the evils of tobacco costs money, too.

3.   An anti-smoking group, the Campaign for Tobacco-free Kids, urged lawmakers to sign a pledge that they will reject tobacco industry money.

4.   And now with Humphrey out of office local anti-smoking groups find themselves without an important ally just as lawmakers begin to discuss how to spend the tobacco money.

5.   And some universities hope tobacco money will boost their research funding.

6.   And they said that by apportioning any tobacco money exclusively to Medicare the Republican plan would end any chance of assembling broad bipartisan support for a tobacco bill.

7.   Around the country, states are just starting to decide how to use the tobacco money, and no real patterns have emerged.

8.   Another was added when the group applied for Missouri tobacco settlement money.

9.   Aside from tax increases and budget cuts, the state could pull money from its rainy day fund, increase gambling in the state or raid tobacco settlement money.

n. + money >>共 836
prize 8.21%
drug 6.55%
government 6.27%
taxpayer 4.91%
tax 4.14%
campaign 3.92%
aid 2.16%
grant 1.85%
ransom 1.83%
tobacco 1.60%
tobacco + n. >>共 528
company 24.55%
industry 15.46%
product 3.47%
stock 2.77%
advertising 2.57%
settlement 2.34%
legislation 1.78%
farmer 1.67%
tax 1.53%
executive 1.47%
money 1.33%
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