1.   Another key difference between the Texas and Minnesota agreements is how the outside lawyers who assisted the states in the tobacco lawsuits will be paid.

2.   - Found his way onto the tobacco lawsuit negotiating team for the anti-smoking forces, although he had no expertise on the complex issue.

3.   A national settlement with tobacco companies appears so imminent that Florida leaders are talking about their tobacco lawsuit in West Palm Beach in the past tense.

4.   But now the debate has also erupted in Washington, where Congress is considering federal legislation that will resolve many tobacco lawsuits and allow the government to regulate nicotine.

5.   But the parallels between guns and tobacco may be overdrawn, and the success of the tobacco lawsuits may be harder to achieve in a different industry.

6.   Forget the fact that the tobacco lawsuit was waged in the name of the taxpayers, ostensibly to compensate them for the smoking-related costs they have borne.

7.   He added that many documents used in the Florida case had been publicly released recently as the result of tobacco lawsuits brought by states like Minnesota.

8.   If the rulings on compensatory and punitive damages stand, the total award would be the largest to date in a tobacco liability lawsuit filed by an individual smoker.

9.   Indeed, Duffy said he was tracking tobacco lawsuits in Australia, Brazil, Britain, Canada, France, Israel, Italy and Japan.

10.   It is believed to be part of court papers in several different tobacco lawsuits currently under way across the country.

n. + lawsuit >>共 269
class-action 23.67%
discrimination 7.13%
shareholder 7.03%
death 3.64%
liability 2.89%
malpractice 2.49%
defamation 2.29%
tobacco 2.29%
infringement 2.04%
wrongful-death 1.94%
tobacco + n. >>共 528
company 24.55%
industry 15.46%
product 3.47%
stock 2.77%
advertising 2.57%
settlement 2.34%
legislation 1.78%
farmer 1.67%
tax 1.53%
executive 1.47%
lawsuit 0.55%
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