1.   Among other things, the testers hated the low windshield and found tire wear to be unacceptable.

2.   And what about aerodynamics, tire pressure, tire wear, suspension setups?

3.   He said a problem with a spring adjuster or roof damage, or even tire wear, could have caused the drop in height.

4.   He suggested putting the car on the rack so they could determine the reason for the tire wear.

5.   Rear drive offers more evenness of tire wear and better weight distribution, hence inherently better handling characteristics than does front drive.

6.   The race concluded a weekend in which teams were not worrying about tires or tire wear.

7.   The tire wear was ugly.

8.   This not only wastes gas but also creates tire wear and makes the engine work harder to move the car.

9.   Tire wear has been a problem for the NSX, and the tires are expensive, but if you have to ask ...

10.   Uneven tire wear.

n. + wear >>共 125
day 7.54%
tire 5.95%
leisure 4.37%
weekend 3.97%
beach 3.17%
eye 2.78%
office 2.78%
resort 2.38%
business 2.38%
people 1.98%
tire + n. >>共 245
maker 9.19%
company 6.04%
track 5.42%
failure 3.76%
barricade 3.24%
barrier 3.15%
problem 3.15%
manufacturer 2.71%
pressure 2.71%
recall 2.36%
wear 1.31%
每页显示:    共 15