1.   Are these tiny lesions cancer?

2.   Others advised women to have tiny endometrial lesions removed.

3.   The same system that can deliver the biopsy probe to a tiny lesion could also be used to deliver poison directly to a tumor, he says.

4.   By then, Fuster expects advances will bring sharper images, allowing doctors to spot even tiny lesions that could eventually lead to heart attacks.

a. + lesion >>共 165
gastric 4.05%
precancerous 3.74%
small 3.43%
suspicious 2.80%
gastrointestinal 2.49%
cancerous 2.18%
upper 2.18%
cervical 1.87%
mucosal 1.87%
similar 1.87%
tiny 1.25%
tiny + n. >>共 1116
island 2.59%
fraction 1.98%
republic 1.71%
nation 1.61%
village 1.46%
amount 1.36%
piece 1.29%
country 1.26%
town 1.21%
minority 1.21%
lesion 0.04%
每页显示:    共 4