1.   We were plagued by a myriad tiny flies.

2.   Another biting pest that sometimes plagues Ohio is a tiny fly called a no-see-um or punky.

3.   A tiny Amazon jungle fly that can be bred in captivity devours the plant, and the USDA hopes to begin testing whether it is safe to import.

4.   Emerging from the eggs of a tiny fly, the rose midge feeds on new growth, giving newly developing roses a burned appearance.

5.   I stared at the water, trying to pick out my tiny Trico spinner fly among a zillion naturals, until my eyes ached.

6.   One, a tiny fly, is apparently most promising.

7.   The recent announcement that fire ants may possibly be controlled by a tiny fly has captured many headlines.

8.   The tiny fly bobbed in the current like a miniature rowboat, reminding me once again of the pleasure of dry fly fishing.

9.   This larva of a tiny fly feeds on rose petals.

10.   Tiny biting flies defied our insecticide.

a. + fly >>共 247
high 6.22%
long 5.86%
deep 4.62%
routine 3.73%
short 2.13%
artificial 1.95%
tiny 1.95%
female 1.95%
away 1.78%
adult 1.60%
tiny + n. >>共 1116
island 2.59%
fraction 1.98%
republic 1.71%
nation 1.61%
village 1.46%
amount 1.36%
piece 1.29%
country 1.26%
town 1.21%
minority 1.21%
fly 0.10%
每页显示:    共 11