1.   In fact if you add it up the moon can go round the earth thirteen times in a year.

2.   In the prime of her playing career, Billie Jean King circled the earth many times.

3.   Iraq has already confessed to making enough deadly microbes to kill all the people on earth several times over.

4.   The cables on the Tsing Ma suspension bridge linking the airport to the rest of Hong Kong would circle the earth four times.

n. + earth >>共 23
planet 12.50%
time 12.50%
mother 9.38%
fox 6.25%
baseball 3.13%
basketball 3.13%
colleague 3.13%
color 3.13%
earth 3.13%
elsewhere 3.13%
time + n. >>共 1490
period 2.92%
trial 2.78%
slot 1.77%
line 1.32%
difference 1.26%
rate 1.11%
constraint 0.88%
one 0.82%
at 0.79%
hand 0.69%
earth 0.03%
每页显示:    共 4